Monday 2 September 2013

What is Sipurb? See here and Sip Socially

Unknown  /  at  6:14 pm  /  No comments

Product Description:
Sipurb is social, database driven service/website for wines that focuses on user-generated review and social sharing.The main functionality for the user is to easily find, share, review, and manage their favorite wines. Similarly, they can also use the service to find a wine’s product page to view the number of reviews and tags/information about a wine, to help them decide what to buy. The website will be based on the corresponding app, which includes all the functionalists of the website, plus location-based to allow for location-based deals and retail stores. A website will include all functionalists of the app, except: geo-location capability and barcode scanner.
Tech for Integration:
·         Creation of main wine database: built from users submitting new wines and bulk upload to database via .csv file
·         Search functionality: Quick auto-filter search page
·         CMS System:
o   Management of product pages
o   Admin of reviews
o   User account access (password reset, etc.)
o   Admin of photos
o   Admin for new product pages: add page, add/edit tags, buy links, data, etc.
·         Social:Sign in w/Facebook. Social sharing (and email sharing) links on product pages, favorites& wish list, and on UG-reviews. Social links to include: Facebook, Twitter, Email.
·         iOS must fully integrate w/website: CMS, product pages, database, etc.
·         Top Wines: App must pull and list wines that have had the most reviews, highest rated, most reviewed, and most shared, quickly and by category. Data should be in real time.
·         Analytics:
o   Track click throughs on affiliate links
o   Number of users& user data (location, gender, email, social, etc.)
o   Number of shares: on which social sites and what wines are being shared

I.              Homepage

a.    Header: Persistent header to include:
                                ii.    User Sign in
                               iii.    Social links to Sipurb on: Facebook, Twitter
b.    Sign up/Sign In
                                  i.    Click to prompt signup with email OR
                                ii.    Click to prompt Facebook Integration OR
                               iii.    Click box for: Sign up as Winery or Retail
                               iv.    User already registered, sign in w/email and password (with links for “forgot” username or password)
c.    Standard User / Winery User / Bar or Retail User Accounts
                                  i.    Private
1.    Management of email and password
2.    Manage reviews
3.    Update/delete/change user photo
4.    Friends
5.    Favorites list
6.    Wish list
7.    140 character for them to write anything about themselves.
8.    Badge (determined by # of reviews written)
                                ii.    Public
1.    Add Friend
2.    View their friends
3.    Favorites list
4.    Sip list
5.    Reviews
6.    140 character for them to write anything about themselves.
7.    Badge (determined by # of reviews written)

II.            Search Page Main part of Sipurb and Search Wines

a.    Main, central section of website. Populates upon entering search criteria
                                  i.    Search box: Type in wine name (not required) or keyword
                                ii.    All Wines / My Wines / Users (all includes all in database, my includes only wines on your favorites or wish list)
                               iii.    Number of Stars
                               iv.    Varietal
                                v.    Tags
                               vi.    Good With
                              vii.    Price
                            viii.    Year

III.           Search Results: Database auto-populates when user enters search criteria w/list of all wines. User should be able to just keep scrolling within window to view all applicable wines (while header and featured content stays on page). Click on wine moves user to:

a.    Sort Button (top right)
                                  i.    Price:
1.    Low to High
2.    High to Low
                                ii.    Rating
1.    Low to High
2.    High to Low
                               iii.    Compare Highlighted wine: Swipe over the list of search results to add to “compare” feature (search result highlight in red) which you can sort to view
b.    Add Wine: Persistent search result at top of search list looks just like a wine product search result, but pusher user to “Review” page to write and submit wine.

IV.          Product page for wine. Includes:

a.    Wine Name
b.    Wine Type/Varietal
c.    Year
d.    Number of Reviews
e.    Average Price
f.     Share Button (open pop up to share on Facebook, Twitter, etc. with room to type notes/comment)
g.    Buttons to add to favorites or wish list (click on and off)
h.    Buy
                                  i.    Links to buy online
i.      Reviews: Open below main header w/previous information. Lists average star rating and all user reviews. User can click to expand any review
                                  i.    Write a review: prompts users to write a review page for the wine
j.      Tags: Open below main header w/previous information. Lists most popular tags for the wine (based on user input) and relevant tags.
k.    Good With: Open below main header w/previous information. Lists most popular “good with” tags for the wine (based on user input) and relevant “good with” tags.
l.      Photos: Open below main header w/previous information. Highlights a featured image, and all user-generated photos below, which can be scrolled through and expanded.
m.  Social Links for sharing
                                  i.    Facebook
                                ii.    Twitter
                               iii.    Pinterest
                               iv.    Reddit

V.           Review Page
a.    User types in name of wine, system auto populates with correct product for them to write review for

VI.          User of the Day

a.    Click through to User’s page

VII.         Wine of the Day

a.    Click through to wine product page

VIII.       Ad space: lead banner, side 350 x 350, etc.

IX.          Top Wines: Side bar section w/three parts:
a.    Most reviewed
b.    Highest rated
c.    Most shared

a.    About Sipurb
                                  i.    Contact Us
                                ii.    Press
                               iii.    Terms of Service
                               iv.    Privacy Policy
XI.          Help
a.    FAQ
b.    Advertise
c.    Business Support

a.    Find friends: When connected to Facebook – find friends using Sipurb, via email, and by searching name/username. The user can access this functionality when first signing up for the app (via a pop up to connect to Facebook or add friends via email) or on their private account page.
b.    Social: Link to share on product page, user review, user photo, user favorite list, & user wish list

Posted in: Posted on: Monday 2 September 2013


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